Konsolosluklar ve Türk Dernekleri

Work and travel programında iken; ihtiyaç duymanız halinde ulaşabilececeğiniz Amerika’da bulunan Konsolosluklar ve Türk Dernekleri bilgilerini bulabilirsiniz.

Washington Büyükelçiliği
District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia
Kişisel Başvuru Saatleri: 10:00-13:00;
Telefon ile Başvuru Saatleri: 14:30-16:30
Günlük Çalışma Saatleri: 9:00-17:30 Pzt-Cuma
Adres: Embassy of Republic of Turkey, 2525 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Washington D.C. 20008,
Telefon: +202-612-6700
Faks: +202-612-6744
Elcilik E-maili: info@turkey.org
Konsolosluk E-maili: tcwash.cons@erols.com
Web Sitesi: www.turkey.org

New York Başkonsolosluğu
Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North
Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Puerto Rico
Kişisel Başvuru Saatleri: 9:00-13:00 / 14:00-15:00;
Telefon ile Başvuru Saatleri: 15:00-17:00
Günlük Çalışma Saatleri: 9:00-17:00 Pzt-Cuma
Adres:Turkish Consulate General, 821 United Nations Plaza, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10017
Telefon: +212-949-0160 (4 hat)
Faks: +212-983-1293
E-mail: tcginfo@broadviewnet.net tcbkny@broadviewnet.net
Web Sayfası: http://www.turkishconsulates.net/

Houston Konsolosluğu
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississipi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas
Kişisel Başvuru Saatleri: 9:30-13:00;
Telefon ile Başvuru Saatleri: 9:00-16:00;
Günlük Çalışma Saatleri: 9:00-16:30 Pzt-Cuma
Adres:Turkish Consulate General, 1990 Post Oak Blvd. 1300, Houston, TX 77056-3813
Telefon: +713-622-5849, 713-622-03224, 713-622-3205
Fax: +713-623-6639
E-mail: turcon@ix.netcom.com

Chicago Konsolosluğu
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin
Kişisel Başvuru Saatleri: 9:00-12:00 Pzt-Prs;
Telefon ile Başvuru Saatleri: 9:00-16:30 Pzt-Cuma
Günlük Çalışma Saatleri: 9:00-16:30 Pzt-Cuma
Adres:Turkish Consulate General, 360 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1405, Chicago, IL 60601-3858,
Telefon: +312-263-0644 Ext. 28, 312-263-1295
Fax: +312-263-1449
E-mail: chicago@trconsulate.org
Web Sayfası: www.trconsulate.org

Los Angeles Konsolosluğu
Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Pacific Islands
Kişisel Başvuru Saatleri: 9:30-12:00;
Telefon ile Başvuru Saatleri: 8:30-16:00
Adres:Turkish Consulate General, 4801 Wilshire Blvd., Suit 310, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Telefon: +323-937-0118 (5 hat)
Fax: +213-932-0061
E-mail: turkcgla@pacbell.net
Web Sitesi: http://www.losangeles.bk.mfa.gov.tr/

Amerika’daki Türk Dernekleri Listesi
(Kaynak Dışişler Bakanlığı):

Turkish American Association of Arizona-TAA-AZ
Başkan: Suat Özdemir
Adres : P.O. Box 373, Tempe, AZ 85281
Telefon : (602) 332-7670 Fax : (602) 766-4990
E-posta : info@taaaz.org
Website : www.taaaz.org

Turkish American Association of Southern California-ATA-SC
Başkan : John Cihangir Safyurtlu
Adres : 444 West Ocean Blvd., Eighth Floor, Long Beach, CA 90802
Telefon: (562) 624-2885 Fax: (562) 624-2881
E-posta : Başkan@excom.atasc.org
Website : www.atasc.org

Turkish American Association of California-TAAC
Başkan : Vacant
Adres: 2053 Grant Road, PMB 123, Los Altos, CA 94024
Telefon : (415) 646-0946 Fax: (586) 461-5929
E-posta : taac@taaca.org
Website : www.taaca.org

Turkish American Cultural Society of Colorado- TASCO
Başkan : Erdal Özkan
Adres : 9610 Canberra Drive, Littleton, CO 80130
Telefon : (720) 344-1919 Fax : (303) 273-3189
E-posta : eozkan@mines.edu
Website : www.colorado.turkleri.com

Turkish American Cultural Association of Southern New Engiand-TACA-SNE
Başkan : Bülent Doğruyol
Adres : 4 Beech Tree Way, Milford, CT 06460
Telefon: (203) 878-8025
E-posta : info@snetaca.org
Website : www.snetaca.org

ITO Mezunlari Uluslararasi Kur.-ITUMUK
Başkan :Kaya Büyükataman
Adres : 235 East River Drive, Suite 1502, E. Hartford, CT 06108
Telefon : (860) 282-0251 Fax: (860) 282-0251
E-posta : membership@turkishnews.com
Website: www.turkishnews.com

Turkish American Medical Association-TAMA
Başkan Murat Günel
Adres Yale University Medical School, 333 Cedar Street, TMP 4, New Haven, CT 06510
Telefon (203) 737-2096
E-posta murat.gunel@yale.edu

Florida Turkish American Association-FTAA
Başkan : İsmail Hakkı Ercan
Adres : P.O. Box 50021, Lighthouse Point, FL 33074
Telefon : (561) 386-3942
E-mail: ihercan@aol.com
Website : www.ftaa.com

Turkish American Cultural Association of Florida- TACAF
Başkan : Aydın Sunel
Adres : P.O. Box 3303, Brandon, FL 33509- 3303
Telefon : (727) 799-2501
E-posta : tacaf@tacaf.org
Website : www.tacaf.org

North Florida Turkish American Cultural Association-NFTACA
Başkan: Çiğdem Crawford
Adres : 2630 Hidden Village Drive. Jacksonville, FL 32216
Telefon : (904) 724-9203, ext. 3911 Fax : (904) 721-6794
E-mail: nftaca@hotmail.com

Turkish American Cultural Association of Georgia-TACA-GA
Başkan : Füsun Ercan
Adres : P.O. Box 190013, Atlanta, GA 31119
Telefon: (770) 442-9171
E-posta : info@tacaga.org
Website : www.tacaga.org

Turkish American Society of Agusta & Aiken
Başkan : Ahmet Suer
Adres: 455 Cambridge Way, Augusta, GA 30907
Telefon : (706) 885-8873 Fax : (803) 952-8306
E-posta : klmaf@hotmail.com

Turkish American Friendship Association of Hawaii-TAFAH
Başkan : Engin Türkalp
Adres :1330 Ala Moana Blvd. #1506, Honolulu, Hi 96814-4216
Telefon : (808) 593-0500 Fax : (808) 596-9546
E-posta : turkalp@lava.net

Turkish American Cultural Alliance of Chicago- TACA-Chicago
Başkan: Mehmet Çelebi
Adres: P.O. Box 5533, Chicago, IL 60680
Telefon : (773) 725-3655 Fax: (773) 725-3685
E-posta : info@tacaonline.org
Website: www.tacaonline.org

Turkish American Association for Cultural Exchange-TAACE
Başkan : Melih Çam
Telefon (630) 753-1407
E-posta taace@taace.org
Website : www.taace.org

American-Turkish Association of Indiana – ATA-IN
Başkan : Ahmet Fer
Adres: 5219 Wiltonwood Court, Indianapolis, IN 46254
Telefon (317) 490-0752
E-posta ata-in@ata-in.org
Website : www.ata-in.org

Turkish American Association of Louisiana- TAAL
Başkan : Aslı Göbülük
Adres: P.O. Box 55112. Metairie, LA 70055- 5112
Telefon : (504) 669-5461
E-posta : taalmail@aol.com

Turkish American Cultural Society of New England, -TACS-NE
Başkan Erkut Gömülü
Adres P.O. Box 230162, Boston, MA 02123-0162
E-posta : tacs@tacsne.org
Website : www.tacsne.org

Maryland American Turkish Association-MATA
Başkan : Orhan Suleiman
Adres: P.O. Box 762, Columbia, MD 21045
Telefon (301) 604-3212
E-posta info@atamd.org
Website: www.atamd.org

Washington Turkish Women Association-WTWA
Başkan : Emel Dizdar
Adres: 12502 Degas Court, N. Potomac, MD 20878
Telefon (301) 208-8284
E-posta dizdaremel@hotmail.com

Turkish Children Foster Care – TCFC
Başkan Gükhan Mutlu
Adres 730 Ticonderoga Avenue, Severna Park. MD 21146
Telefon : (410) 647-1315 Fax: (410) 647-0109
E-posta : tcfc76@aol.com
Website : www.turkishchildren.org

Turkish American Neuropsychiatric Association- TANPA
Adres : 8335 Brittany Hill Court, Grand Blanc, Ml 48439
Telefon : (810) 694-1808 Fax: (810) 694-6100

Turkish American Cultural Association of Michigan-TACAM
Başkan : Canan Özaktay
Adres : P.O. Box 3552, Farmington Hills, MI 48333
Telefon: (248) 763-9544 Fax : (248) 626-8279
E-posta : tacam@tacam.org
Website: www.tacam.org

Turkish American Association of Minnesota-TAAM

Başkan : Evren Eryurek
Address: Turkish American Association of Minnesota P.O. BOX 240394, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Telefon (651) 905-9515
E-posta taam@taam.org
Website : www.taam.org

Turkish American Association of Greater Kansas City

Başkan: Mehmet Yavuz Kalafat
Adres : 6008 N. Mercier Street, Kansas City, MO 64118
Telefon : (816) 505-0511
E-posta : taakcl@aol.com
Website : www.taako.org

Turkish American Cultural Alliance of St. Louis- TACA-ST. Louis
Başkan: Nezih Sözmen
Adres : P@0. Box 698, Ballwin” MO 63011
Telefon : (314) 894-1824 Fax: (314) 894-1824
E-posta : Başkan@tacastl.org
Website: www.tacastl.org

American Turkish Association of North Carolina- ATA-NC

Başkan: Emin Pamucak
Adres : P.O. Box 31761, Raleigh, NC 27622
Telefon: (919) 851-9291
E-posta : webmaster@ata-nc.org
Website: www.ata-nc.org

Azerbaijan Society of America

Başkan : Tomris Azeri
Adres : 20 Skyview Terrace, Clifton, NJ 07013
Telefon : (973) 471-5500 Fax: (973) 471-5038
E-posta : tomrjs@att.net
Website : usa.azeris.org

American Turkish Islamic and Cultural Center
Başkan : Nureddin Demircan
Adres : 888 Main Street, Paterson, NJ 07503
Telefon (973) 345-3940
E-posta payperview28@hotmail.com

Anadolu Club
Başkan Tayfun Selen
Adres 152 North Passaic Avenue, Chatham, NJ 07928
Telefon : (973) 222-0484 Fax: (973) 701-6886
E-posta : info@anadoluclub.org
Website: www.anadoluclub.org

Karacay Turks Mosque and Cultural Association
Adres : 92 Ballantine Drive, North Haledon, NJ 07508
Telefon : (973) 238-1868

Solidarity of Balkan Turks of America
Başkan Suzan Demircan
Adres 888 Main St, Paterson, NJ 07503
Telefon (973) 345-3940
E-posta sdemircan@verizon.net

Young Turks Cultural Aid Society
Başkan : Tamer Özaydın
Adres : 57 Ashley Court, Bedminster, NJ 07921
Telefon : (732) 981-0099 Fax : (732) 981-9666
E-posta : ataturk2k@aol.com
Website: www.youngturks.org

Turk Ocagi
Başkan Cengiz Taşdemir
Adres 760 Pennsylvania Avenue, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071
Telefon (201) 935-7584
E-mail turkocag!1981@yahoo.corn

Turkestanian American Association
President : Abdullah Kwaja
Address: 4 Princeton Street Dover, New Jersey 07801
Phone : office: 1-646-3183242 1-212-228-0099
Email : TAyaz@PANYNJ.gov

Turkish American Cultural Association of Long Island – TACA-LI

Başkan : Necati Özdemir
Adres : 222 Pearl St., Lawrence, NY 11559
Website: www.tacali.org

The Society of Turkish American Architects, Engineers and Scientists – MIM
Başkan: Ali Koçak
Adres : 821 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Telefon : (201) 567-8299
e-mail: info@m-i-m.org
Website : www.m-i-m.org

Turkish Society of Rochester-TSOR
Başkan Hüseyin Tekin
Adres 2841 Culver Rd., Rochester NY 14622
Telefon : (585) 266-1980 Fax: (585) 266-1752
E-posta : tsor@tsor.org
Website : www.tsor.org

Turkish Women’s League of America
Başkan Aysu Bil
Adres 821 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017
Telefon : (212) 682-8525 Fax: (212) 682-8525
E-posta : info@atkb.org

Young Turks Cultural Aid Society
Başkan : Tamer Özaydın
Adres : 821 UN Plaza, 2nd Floor, New York NY 10017
Telefon : 212-535-2153
E-posta : ataturk2k@aol.com
Website : www.youngturks.org

American Association of Crimean Turks
Başkan Rusen Tabaru
Adres 4509 Newutrecth Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11219
Telefon : (718) 851-6621 Fax: (718) 435-1237
E-posta : kirimtatar@aol.com

Turkish American Association of Central Ohio- TAACO ‘

Başkan : Cem Özmeral
Adres : P.O. Box 12454, Columbus, OH 43212-
Telefon: (614) 717-9838
E-posta : cozmeral@columbus.rr.com
Website : www.taaco.org

Turkish American Society of Northeastern Ohio-TASNO
Başkan Süleyman Gökoğlu
Adres P.O. Box 22121, Cleveland, OH 44122
E-posta : tasno@tasno.org
Website : www.tasno.org

Turkish American Association of Oklahoma- TAA-OK

Başkan : irfan Taner
Adres : 10010 E. 16th Street, Tulsa, OK 74128- 4813
Telefon : (916) 665-6575
E-posta : aandm@galstar.com

Pittsburg Turkish American Association-PTAA

Başkan: Atilla Soran
Adres : P.O. Box 7545, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Telefon (412) 856-5616
E-posta ptaa@ptaa.org
Website: www.ptaa.org

Turkish American Friendship Society of the United States-TAFSUS
Başkan: İbrahim Önaral
Adres: PMB 198, 761 W. Sproul Road, Springfield, PA 19064
Telefon (215) 922-3262
E-posta tafsus@tafsus.com
Website: www.tafsus.com

American Turkish Association of Houston- ATA-Houston

Başkan : Tanju Obut
Adres : P.O. Box 61002, Houston, TX 77208
E-posta: Başkan@atahouston.org
Website: www.atahouston.org

Turkish American Association of Northern Texas-TURANT
Başkan Ragıp Damar
Adres P.O. E@ox-802995, Dallas, TX 75380
E-posta : turant@turant.org
Website : www.turant.org

Turkish American Association of San Antonio
Başkan: Müge Wilson
Adres : P.O. Box 780523, San Antonio. TX 78278
E-posta : cimenr@juno.com
Website : www.taa-sa.org

The Melungeon Heritage Association

Başkan: Wayne Winkler
Adres: P,O, Box 4042, Wise, VA 24293
E-mail: mhainc2OOO@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.melungeon.org

Turkish American Cultural Association of Washington-TACAWA

Başkan: Gökçe D. Sezgin
Adres: P. 0. Box 357, Kirkland, WA 98083-0357
Telefon : (425) 646-7793 Fax: (425) 646-7793
E-posta : board@tacawa.org
Website : www.tacawa.org

American Turkish Association of Washington DC- ATA-DC

Başkan: Hülya Polat
Adres: 1526 18th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036
E-posta: info@atadc.org
Website : www.atadc.org
Turkish American Association of Milwaukee-TAAM
Başkan: Korkut Qolakoglu
Adres : P.O. Box 1854, Milwaukee, WI 53201
Telefon: (414) 342-8800 Fax: (414) 671-4264
E-posta : korkljt@earthlink.net


CA    Avukat Berc Agopoglu    1925 Century Park East Ste 500 Los Angeles 90067    310 226 6818
DC    Avukat Akin Alcitepe    701 Pennyslvania Ave NW Ste 800 Washington DC 20004    202 508 4000
MD    Avukat Timur Edip    1250 24th St NW Ste 300 Washington DC 20037    202 467 2789
NJ    Avukat Umit Gursoy    One Gateway Center Ste 2600 Newark 07102    718 646 7321
NY    Akpinar Law Of. – Timur Akpinar    250-02 Veterans Memorial Hwy Commack LI 11725    718 224 9824
NY / TN    Avukat M. Arda Beskardes    417 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11217    901 351 7675
TX    Avukat Ali Onan    6100 Corporate Dr. Ste 590 Houston 77036    713 771 9988
FL    Baris Taylan, Becker & Assoc. PA    5301N Federal Hwy ste 280 Boca Raton 33487    561 674 0080
IL    Avukat Ali M Onan    Chicago Office 1 East Superior #504 IL 60611    773 895 6240
MI    Avukat Nejla K. Lane P.C.    1300 N. Waverly Rd. Ste 5, Lansing 48917 517 974 6820


DC    Psikolog Alican Dalkilic    2423 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20037    856 478 4043
MD    Dr. Aysegul Gozu    1600 Crain Hwy. Ste 302 Glen Burnie 21061    410 760 1823
NY    Psikolog Birsen Erses    124 E 28th St New York    212 987 9479
NY    Urolog Caner Dinlenc    10 Union Sq E Ste 3A New York 10003    212 844 8900
NY    Endondontist Cagatay Erakin    366 5th Ave Ste 307 New York 10001Ave     212 736 3676
NY    Dis Hekimi Ergun Senay    150 E 56th St No:1D New York 10022    212 755 5656
NJ    Pediatrics Melih Sarigul    296 Clifton Ave Ste 2 Clifton 07011    973 249 8211
NJ    Eczaci Mehmet Ugur         609 980 5020
CA    Norolog Ilkcan Cokgor    1350 S Eliseo Dr Greenbrae 94901    415 925 3590
CT    Beyin Cerrahi Murat Gunel    Yale School of Medicine, Neurosurge, New Haven 06520    203 737 2096
PA    Ender Simsek, PhD    700 E Butler Ave Doylestown PA 18901    215 489 4915
MO    Dentist Ayse Kilfoy    608 Woodland Ave O’Fallon MO 63366    636 240 9211

Armada GrandeeWork And Travel
WATKonsolosluklar ve Türk Dernekleri